Monday, August 13, 2007


So labor's slowed down. Not stopped, but pretty darn slow. They came and checked me, I'm only 2 cm but nearly completely effaced. They're betting on sometime tonight. I'm frustrated, but dealing with it. We went and had spicy Mexican food, now we're gonna nap (I'm exhausted) and then go for a nice long walk. Walking earlier helped speed things up, at least for awhile, so hopefully more of that will keep things moving along. Once I get to about a 4, I'll start more active labor.

So much for quick labor vibes! LOL


  1. Hope you are resting, that labor goes quickly and that the wee one arrives tomorrow (the 14th). I hope it's a girl!

  2. I read somewhere to eat a can of pineapples to induce labor. I did and my water broke like 6 hours later, I doubt it was related but you never know...

  3. I was told to eat Eggplant and damn if it didn't work.. I ate Eggplant parmesan and was pushing 8 hours later lol.
