Friday, August 31, 2007

My Thursday

Oh, what a nice day yesterday was. After Chloe went to her dad's house, Cora and I went and visited my mom at bowling so all the ladies could ooh and ahh over her. Then we stopped by another western store near the bowling alley looking for whatever I will be wearing to my wedding. We found absolutely nothing. After that we dropped off a movie to Blockbuster and met with my mom again for lunch at the Mexican restaurant. Then we went to the mall, got some of those velvet coloring posters for Chloe for Christmas, stopped by Target but ended up not buying anything, and then we came home.

After that, we napped. A nice, hour long nap. Then Cora nursed and went right back to sleep for three hours. I scrapbooked a page and a half, got stuff done around the house here and there, wrote my wedding vows (NOT an easy task!) played with the dog a bit, read for awhile, did some crunches and leg lifts... it was really nice. I even got to take a shower! When she woke up she was fussy and wanted to walk, so I put her in the sling and we walked around the neighborhood. After that, I did the outside chores with her in the sling, then we just settled down and snuggled for the rest of the evening.

When I write it all out, it seems like we did a lot yesterday. But really, it felt like a quiet, relaxing day.

Today we're gonna go to my mom's for a bit, then just hang out at home all afternoon. Cora didn't sleep well at all last night, and has pretty much been awake since 3:30 am other than a couple short naps, so I will probably try to get a nap in with the girls this afternoon too.

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