Monday, September 10, 2007

The wedding

Oh my goodness, it was just perfect. An hour and a half from home in Rifle, CO is a wonderful place called the Rifle Cascades - a gentle, flowing waterfall surrounded by lush greenery and moss with a trail going up to the top. It's gorgeous - since we discovered it over a year ago, I knew that was where I wanted to be married.

Our families came with us to witness as we said our vows to one another. It was short, simple and sweet, and I really couldn't have asked for it to be any more perfect. Here are some pictures, then following those are the vows.

Andrew's vows:


I stand here with you, beside you today to make a formal, verbal commitment to you. I will love you, care for you, provide for you, and lead you through good times and bad. I will be the best husband to you that I can be and the best father to our children that I possibly can. I will put our family first. I love you and want to spend the rest of our lives together. I promise to love, comfort, honor and keep you and to lay down my life for you. I take you to be y wife. I take you as you are as I give myself to you as I am. I will help you when you need help, and will turn to you when I nee help. I choose you as the person with whom I will spend my life. I give you this ring as an outward symbol of my love and commitment to you for the rest of our lives.

My vows:

There are no words that fully describe all that I’m feeling today, all that I feel every day. You have shown me that true love really does exist. It is in the name of our love that I make this commitment to you. To me, a marriage is a commitment to keep a promise, forever, forever meaning without end, continuing on and on.

And with that said,

I promise to love you with my entire being, forever. I promise to honor you in every way that I can. I promise to always trust you. I promise to show my immense respect for you in all tha tI do. I promise to approach this relationship with a heart full of patience and understanding. I promise to appreciate all that you do and all that you are, and never to take your love for granted. I promise to bring joy and happiness into your life in any way I can, to bring a wholeness and completeness to your life, as you do mine.

And let there be no doubt, I promise you all of this, from now through the rest of our lives. I give you my love, my heart, my life, forever.

This ring is a symbol of my promise of forever.

We have so much together already and I know the future holds so much more. I look forward to every day of the rest of my life knowing you will always be a part of it, will always be there to share it with me.


  1. ::sniff.sniff:: pass the tissues.

    beautiful. (baby-holding while typing is not my strong point)

  2. Congratulations Julie!! The pictures are great, you both look so happy :)

  3. Jill, don't hog the tissues, pass htem over here. Now where did you get the baby? Oh, and quit hogging the blog, it's Julie's wedding, for heaven's sake!

    Julie, I am so happy for you...all 4 of you! Now please make Jill pass those tissues.

    Never mind, I used my sleeve!


  4. Quite informative post on wedding and hope you had a beautiful wedding. Few months ago, I had arranged my sister’s wedding at one of beautiful wedding venues Chicago. I still remember we all enjoyed wedding a lot.
