Thursday, September 27, 2007

Who doesn't love tie dye?

Chloe and I did some tie dying yesterday - what a messy project! We had a blast though. We dyed a tank top for her, a tank top for me, four pairs of her socks and six prefold diapers for Cora. We're all rockin' cool now. :-) I didn't get a picture of Chloe modeling her projects because Mark picked her up before they were out of the drier. I'll try and get a pic tomorrow.

Cora, looking quite pleased with her nifty new duds (she smiles so much now!) Oh, and this also counts as her 6 week picture:

And here are all the things we dyed. Doesn't look like much, but let me tell ya, it took quite awhile to accomplish all that! Especially when you're trying to keep a four year old from dying the whole kitchen!

Andrew was supposed to be off work today, but got called in to work. He's leaving Sunday for two weeks so was going to spend some time with the family, but that'll have to wait till later this weekend I guess. After Mark picked Chloe up, Cora and I went grocery shopping, then out to eat with my mom for lunch. Other than a little bit of cleaning and laundry and whatnot, I haven't accomplished much. I've spent more time than I should admit trying to get the baby to smile. LOL I cut out a diaper but she's too awake (and fussy) for me to sew it. I might make dinner tonight, if we're lucky.

I got a card today from my biological father and his wife, congratulating us on the birth of Cora. I'd sent them a birth announcement. I haven't really talked to them in probably close to 3 years. When I go out to Kansas City to visit all my other biological relatives I don't even bother calling them. But their card included a phone number and email address and said they'd like to hear from me. I tried calling but there was no answer. It'll be interesting to hear about what they've been up to the past few years. I'm not sure why, but they just never seemed that interested in keeping in touch after they found me, so I never pressed it. I'm happy with the family I have, anyway.

Tomorrow I've gotta get my social security card changed... wish me luck! It should be pretty miserable. Ugh.

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