Friday, November 2, 2007

Misc. Update & rambling

Goodness, I haven't blogged in a long time! I'm not even sure where to start. Andrew was off last week. Most days we just stayed home and did stuff here, but one day we went fishing, and another day we went up to the Little Bookcliff Horse Range to look for wild horses. We found a couple and had fun driving on all those dirt roads. Cora wasn't all too impressed though, so we didn't stay long.

I've been on a crafting/organizing kick lately. I've gotten so much scrapbooking done. I'm still not caught up, but I've probably made 20 or so pages in the past couple weeks. I've finished all the knitting on Andrew's sweater as of yesterday, but couldn't finish the seams because I've lost all my darning needles. I'll run and get some today so i can finish it. I don't love it, but it might be alright at least. I also casted on for Knitty's 'Monkey' socks. I think that'll be a slow project. I'm not sure I'll have time to finish them before I really NEED to make Cora some more diaper covers. She's basically outgrown the newborn size ones, and we only have two smalls.

I can't believe how fast she's growing! She's lying next to me, noisily sucking her fingers. Her fingers make her happy - she even puts herself to sleep sucking on them sometimes.

Chloe's learning to read. Just little three letter words with short vowel sounds, but hey, it's something. She can sound out some bigger words too. Aside from our daily phonics lessons (with fridge magnets during breakfast, lunch, and snack) we're involved in a few different activities still - ballet on Mondays, Michael's kid's craft class on Tuesdays and library story time on Wednesday. I'm thinking about adding play dates on Fridays - we know enough kids that we can have someone different over every week of the month. It helps my day go by faster to have some sort of activity in the mornings, and it's great for Chloe to be around other kids and such. Makes for a busy week though, that's for sure!

Hit some Halloween sales yesterday - Wal Mart had some cute little things that I grabbed, to be stored away for next year. They also had wigs on sale for $2.44. I bought a couple to add to Chloe's dress-up stuff for Christmas. I hope she has fun with them - I always wanted wigs when I was little. I was excited to get them so cheap! That way if she destroys them by repeatedly brushing them, I won't be upset. I'd like to make her a few outfits from my fabric stash to play in, and I'd really love to make her a tiger outfit, but can't seem to find any tiger printed flannel.

I guess I don't have much else to report. It's been busy, but nothing particularly interesting going on. These little girls sure do keep me busy!

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