Sunday, December 9, 2007

The Denver Zoo

And here are some pictures of the animals we saw at the zoo. It was the perfect day for the zoo - cool, but not cold, and very quiet since it was a Monday and apparently not a popular day for zoo goers. We really enjoyed it.

A couple highlights of the zoo -

We saw hyenas fight. I mean like really fight. One was all bloody, and it looked like the other two were trying to rip it's ear off. The poor hyena was howling like nothing I've ever heard before, and kids and parents were all screaming and panicking. It was insane. Chloe's still talking about it like it was the only thing she saw the whole day.

We watched a monkey masturbate. No, seriously, he really was. We were watching the little baby monkey nursing and playing with his mama, and a couple other monkeys were jumping around and being cute. And then I noticed the daddy monkey, and he was sittin' there whackin' it! It was rather hilarious. I was too shocked to get a photo, and now I'm mad at myself for that. LOL

Anyhow, here are the pics I did manage to get. I've noticed I don't take nearly as many pictures of Cora. Poor baby. It's not that she's neglected, it's that she's always just kinda sitting there in the sling, and there are only so many pictures to take of a baby in a sling before they get kinda old. :-P

This is one pic that Cora did get in - see her reflection? I thought that was kind of neat.

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