Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Yay for Christmas!

I love Christmas. I really do. I love giving people things, and I love getting new things. LOL

Overall, we had a wonderful and fun Christmas. Chloe, at almost 5 years old, makes it so much fun. Here are some of the better pics:

Yes, that is a playhouse. My mom got this playhouse for Chloe on the day after Thanksgiving. Andrew put it together a few weeks ago, and it's been covered with tarps in the back yard since then. She saw it - we told her it was a dog house for Izzy but that it wasn't finished yet. She never questioned it again. Once she saw that it was a play house, she came up with all kinds of ideas - it needs a heater, a fan, a stove and sink and table and chairs and a globe. LOL And we will be painting it pink as soon as the weather warms up enough for painting.

Cora's sitting next to me in her bouncer watching her new Baby Einstein DVD - Chloe likes it as much as the baby does. Andrew got all kinds of hunting and camo gear - everything I bought him was something my dad suggested. He seemed pretty happy.

My wonderful husband gave me a pair of sapphire earrings that match his wedding ring - they're so beautiful. And the robe that I'm wearing right now - one from bath & body works, it feels like I'm wearing a plush blanket. I love it. :o) I'm on this sign kick right now - all the cool signs with fun sayings you see everywhere. He got me one that says "life's a dance, you learn as you go" and "To have and to hold". I love them. And we mustn't forget the wine - that was his gift to us. LOL A case of wine from my personal favorite local winery, plus two extra bottles of their Sangiovese, the best wine I've ever tasted.

And then after we had Christmas at our house, we went to my parents' house where there were just as many presents to open all over again. My dad gave me a scrapbooking kit that's got all kinds of cool stuff in it, and Handknit Holidays, a knitting pattern book with some awesome patterns in it. He picked them out all by himself - he doesn't do that often. I was very touched. It shows he knows me better than he used to! Cora got lots of clothes from different relatives, she ought to be a very well dressed baby (as if she's not already.) Chloe got some more Littlest Pet Shop, and plenty of other things to entertain her.

All this stuff! We're very spoiled. :o)

Here's hoping that all of my readers had a wonderful Christmas as well!

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