Wednesday, January 2, 2008

"Garage Sale Chic"

My whole house/apartment/living quarters since I moved out of my parents house 8 years ago has been "garage sale chic". Hand me downs, yard sale finds, whatever I could find to furnish my space. Slowly but surely, we're getting away from that, and it makes me happy.

Case in point: The plant stand.

Purchased at an early morning yard sale for $5 when we moved into this house to provide a home to all of Andrew's house plants. It has served us well. But it's to the point where if you walk to close to it, it wobbles precariously and makes your heart pound, wondering if all that potting soil is about to end up on the carpet. Not such a big problem before, it now poses a serious threat since we will soon have a mobile baby crawling and teetering around the house.

The fix:

Isn't it beautiful? :o) It brings me great joy. On sale at Hobby Lobby, my hubby told me I could buy it yesterday. It has required a bit of switching around in the living room, but it's so worth it. I'm in love with the new plant stand. Enough so that I actually blogged about it.

My living room pleases me. It only needs a few other things and it will be as perfect as I think it can possibly be. See the "To Have and To Hold" sign Andrew gave me for Christmas? I am in love with that, too. :o)


Should be a busy day today. We need to get to the party store and find Chloe's party supplies, hopefully they'll carry them. She wants a Wild Animal party, so I need a jungle theme or something like that. I'm looking forward to her party, it should be really cute.

We also really should go to the library, we haven't been for a couple weeks. I don't think there's story time though, so we might wait till next week. And I need to get some oranges. I realized there's nothing yummier than fresh squeezed orange juice in the morning - it's even better than coffee. (gasp!)

I have laundry to wash and fold, Chloe's room needs a good thorough cleaning, my room could use one too, and as always the computer room resembles the aftermath of a minor hurricane. I'm trying to get a good detailed cleaning done before her party since there will be a few mothers here and I don't want them to think I'm a slob. LOL And Andrew's family is coming over for dinner... err, salad... on Thursday night, so it wouldn't hurt for the house to look clean for them too.

Alright, off I go. No sense sitting around talking about what needs to be done!


  1. your living room looks GREAT! I love the plant stand. I don't need a plant stand because I can't keep a plant alive. I love the sign - that Andrew is a keeper. : )

  2. I confess, I have a horrible habit of looking at all the photos and THEN reading the text. When I saw your 'after' photo, I though it was how you would like your room to look ONE DAY IN THE FUTURE!

    You have the knack, addition to all your other talents. I would say you should remind Andrew what a great catch he has, but by looking a the sign, looks like he already knows.

    Happy New Year,
    Jan the red sock mama
