Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Over the river and through the woods...

...to the vet we go.

I can deal with a litter box. I can even handle sneezing all the time because I'm still allergic to the little fur ball. But I am officially drawing the line at slimy green cat snot.

And so, we are off to the vet this morning, where he will hopefully fix our kitten. Otherwise, I'm afraid Milo may have to find a new place to live. I feel bad, and I really do like the little guy, but I'm so done with the boogers. Yuck.


So yesterday's plan was to go to craft class at Michael's and then a play date with Cayenna and her boys, so we could get out of the house and not drive each other mad. Except that Michael's cancelled the craft class and Cayenna's boys came down with a cold. So we stayed home all day again. It didn't help that was I was cranky all day. I'm not sure what my problem was, but I was just irritable and pissy. So I decided that Chloe could just watch TV all day. :o\ Okay, not really all day, but it felt like it. She probably watched 3 or 4 hours worth of Sprout. Ah well. It won't kill her, and I otherwise might have. LOL


I've been Tivo-ing some craft shows on DIY - Creative Juice is my favorite, along with B. Original and Scrapbooking. We went down and watched Creative Juice last night - Chloe was as into as I was. They showed some different things you can do with a Bedazzler. Get this - I still have my Bedazzler, the one my mom bought back in the late 80's. I guess they've come out with it again recently, but mine's the original. It's practically vintage or something. So after we watched the segment on Bedazzling, I let Chloe pick a shirt to put studs on. I thought it would be over her head, but I showed her how to do it and she did a great job! As we put the stuff away she said "Tomorrow, I'm going to put diamonds on my jeans. And maybe on my panties too." I have a feeling her entire wardrobe is going to be Bedazzled if I don't hide the thing.

In other crafty news - The back and the left front of the Central Park Hoodie are complete now, and the first 5" of the right front are on the needles. I'm starting to get bored. This always happens with big projects. Hopefully I can convince myself to keep trudging on. I have knitting ADD, and that usually means it takes me months to complete a sweater because I get bored and cant' help but cast on and make something new in the meantime.

I've almost caught up on all my scrapbooking again. Only a few more pages left. I oughtta upload some photos of my pages - I never think to do that. I have some pretty cute ones done though. I'm trying to do Cora's baby book in scrapbook form - the first time she sits up, rolls over, etc. I didn't do that with Chloe's first year book, and wish I would have.


Okay, enough rambling for now. Boy, I can't wait for my hubby to come home. I need some adult conversation!

1 comment:

  1. Glad you are enjoying Creative Juice!

    I too have had a bedazzler since they first came out and over the years I have had to fight off the urge to rhinestone everything I own. :)

    Have a crafty day,

