Tuesday, February 26, 2008

AI Week 2 - boys

A quick note about my AI opinions...

David Archuleta is seriously just a doll. His performance tonight was by far the best. I LOVED his song choice, and he sang it so beautifully. He's not a guy I'd probably ever buy a CD from, but I think he is my fave in this competition after tonight.

Another favorite was Jason Castro. He didn't wow me tonight like he did last week. I was kind of disappointed. I did however find his pre-performance interview to be absolutely adorable. David Cook (is that his name?) I thought did alright. I disagree with Simon, I love any man that has a love for words. :o) He's up there on my list of faves. And the Aussie, he didn't thrill me much.

Chikezie (sp?) blew me away - I didnt' expect that. He was on my list of least favorites last week, but that's changed after tonight's show. David Hernandez was the same - I was so surprised by those two performances. I'd like to see them both stick around awhile if they keep pulling off stuff like that.

I really wish Luke and the Jason with the blonde tuft would go home. They bore me, they aren't spectacular, and I'm done with them. :oX

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE LOVE LOVE David Archuleta. I was thinking last night how I'd love to be a 16 year old watching AI right now. Total good role model crush at the moment LOL

    I think Jason Castro is awesome as well, and I agree that his performance last night wasn't his bed.

    And I also agree on Chikezie. I think those three are my favorites for the guys.
