Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Since I know you all are dying to know what I think about American Idol...

After tonight, there are exactly four boys that I even care about. David Archuletta - that boy is flippin' adorable. He's got a good voice, he's not over confident, and he's cute as heck. David Cook - something about him makes me like him. Jason Castro - he actually rather thrilled me. The guitar, the song... yeah. He was great. A little goofy looking, but it made me love him all the more. And Michael Johns - he kind of creeps me out, he's kind of overconfident, but he has a damn good voice. Those are my top 4 favorites, and not necessarily in that order.

And for the record, I'm convinced I'm raising a future American Idol. My little 6 month old, every time the music starts up, she starts singing. "Ahhhhhhh ya-ahhhh ahh ya ya yaaaaaahhhhhh". It has a sort of Tarzan-ish quality that is acquired only by singers of her range and caliber.


So we ended up missing Michael's craft class yesterday. Miss Chloe had a bit of a problem with her attitude. I asked her to turn off the TV and get dressed so we could go, and she got all pouty about it. I set the time for five minutes and told her she had that long to fix her attitude and get dressed or she wouldn't be going. At the end of five minute, she was still sitting there pouting. So we didn't do the class. The hard part was that I had to go to Michael's anyway, so we went, we just didn't do her class. It was kind of cruel, but I think it made the lesson sink in that much better. I had being the mom sometimes. Hopefully next week we'll not have the same problem.


We're working on her concept of the proper order of numbers - i.e. 1 comes before 6, etc. It's harder to teach than I thought. Yesterday I wrote out 9 rows of three numbers each on the sidewalk with chalk. I had her jump from 1-9 in order over and over again. Then we started jumping on the smallest number in each row, then the biggest. It actually went over well. She does great with super active learning games like that, more so than just sitting doing worksheets. And it was nice to be out in the fresh air.


Today is library day. I hope the morning goes a little smoother than yesterday did!


  1. I'm with you on AI! I love David Archuletto and Jason Castro!! I can't wait to see the girls tonight!

  2. I too, must confess, I am an American Idol Junkie... LOL The other night, my husband & I watched Am. Idol from 7 - midnight, catching up on what we missed while on vacation... how insane is that? Love the groups that they picked tho...

    Hope your day is good today!

  3. I liked Jason Castro too. And everybody obviously loves David A. What did you think about the girls? I think I am rooting for Syeshia (probably spelled that wrong). She was awesome.
