Sunday, February 24, 2008

W00t! CPH is finished!

I don't take good pictures. And I hate having my picture taken. So please look at the sweater, and not the goofy expressions on my face.

Isn't it gorgeous though? Ahhhhhh I'm SO glad it's done. My first 'real' grown up sweater. I've knitted a couple of sweaters in Wool Ease Thick & Quick on size 13 or 15 needles, but those don't really count.


Central Park Hoodie, 36" size
Yarn - Vanna's Choice, Olive, 7 balls, only used about 1/10 of the last one. For a super cheap acrylic, I like this yarn. It's soft and it knits up nicely.

Needles- size 9 and 10.5

Took about 6 weeks, but that was with lots of slack off time.

I'm so thrilled with it. It fits perfectly, it's comfy and warm. only thing I'd have done differently was maybe graft the shoulder seams. I did make it about 2" longer than called for, and the sleeves are about 2" longer too, because I like sleeves that hit my fingertips. They fold back if I want them to. Super easy pattern, but very satisfying. I totally recommend it. :o)

:::squeeeee!!::: I'm SO glad this is finally done!


  1. The sweater is beautiful!! I wish I could knit well enough to do that! I will take one for my birthday though if you have a few spare days to knit one for me too!!
    Love the girls outfits too. You are very talented!!
    Thanks for sharing the pictures!
    Frugal Carol

  2. Love love love turned out lovely...And no worries about the pictures. I too hate having my picture taken...Good job girlie..

  3. OMGoodness!!! What a GORGEOUS hoodie!! I'm totally jealous of your talent! I wish I could knit like you! You must be so proud!

    Blessings~ Deb

  4. I L-O-V-E it!! That is so awesome. I wish I was that talented. You could make some serious money. I know I'd pay! Wow!!

  5. The sweater is so pretty! I don't know where you find the time to knit!!

    The second picture is the Julie *I* know. :o)

  6. The sweater is gorgeous! You are so talented. You ought to think about making and selling. The girls outfits are cute too!
