Monday, March 17, 2008

Ahh Monday

So much to do today! Andrew's back to work, so it's time to get caught up. And in addition to the usual stuff, I need to make a grocery list, and plan our trip to Disneyland in two weeks! Yay! I'm so excited to be taking Andrew with us this time - last year when we went with my mom, he had to work.

We're taking my mom with us - partly to act as a 'baby sitter' and hold Cora on the rides she can't go on, and partly because everything is just more fun with my mom. That poses a problem though - all we have is a pick up truck, and that would make for one crowded ride to California. So we solved the problem by deciding to buy one of these to make the trip more comfortable. My friend Deb uses the phrase "spoiled rotten housewife" to describe herself. I think that sounds quite fitting for me as well. Oh my goodness, that van is the coolest thing - all the bells & whistles, DVD players, mp3 player, GPS, rear camera, heated seats, remote start... holy crap. I've never driven anything nearly so cool. In the beginning, I was struggling with driving a mini van. I am NOT a soccer mom. But I tell ya, you put that many cool things inside ANY vehicle, and I'll happily drive it. :-) We went and looked at one at the Dodge lot on Saturday, they wanted $28k for a demo model, but still a pretty much new '08. After that, we talked to my daddy, and he can get an '08 for us for $10k less. If all goes well, we'll have it by the end of the week or early next week. We'll be driving to Disney in style, that's for sure!


So ya know all that yarn I bought? It's posing a serious problem. I have so much yarn, I don't know what to make. I see at least 8 projects I could cast on for right now, but I'm having such a hard time deciding which ones I really want to make RIGHT NOW, and which ones can wait. LOL I think I casted on and ripped out 6 or 7 projects on Friday alone. I finally settled on the Ribbon Lace Scarf made out of a red-orange cashmerino, and a pair of simple socks made with the Trekking for when I can't really concentrate on the scarf.

I truly can't wait until these are finished so I can start on a couple other new projects! :-P What do y'all think of that Trekking? I was so excited to have found a ball of Trekking, and I'm glad I've gotten to play with it, but I think it's kind of ugly. Certainly not a colorway I would have picked for myself. But hey, for $1 a ball, who am I to complain?


I think Chloe is done learning about worms (thank goodness!) She's not been terribly interested in them the last couple of days. I think we'll set them free in the garden today to do their work, and pick something else to start studying. A week seems to be about long enough for any one subject for her.

She's got this thing lately where, when she's mad at me because I tell her no, or tell her to clean up, or whatever else, that she says "I don't want a mom." I sat her down the other day and told her to really think about that - no one to play with her, no one to teach her to read and bake cookies and make her dinner and yadda yadda. I made it sound miserable. "What if I really did just go away and you didn't have a mom anymore?" I asked her. She got really said, cried even, and I thought maybe she'd stop saying it. But she said it again last night. I'm not sure how to get her to stop. I've seriously considered not doing ANYTHING for her today - she can get her own food (she can reach the fruit and veggie drawers, she wouldn't starve), baking cookies and not letting her help, not helping her get her shoes on, all the things during the day I usually do for her, I want to just NOT do them. I want her to really see how that would be. On the other hand, I know she doesn't actually mean it, and that seems a little excessive. But I want her to know how much it hurts my feelings when she says that.

At least though, instead of saying she wants her dad, she says she wants her step dad. :o) I'm okay with that!

Alright, off to do some lesson planning and make a grocery list. Here's to hoping everyone has a great week!

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