Monday, March 3, 2008

Why is it always Monday again?

Monday. Again. :::sigh::: Monday means it's only the beginning of a very long week spent waiting for my husband to come home. We never go anywhere on Mondays anymore - Chloe's friends have school now, and her other friend's dad is off work on Mondays, so we don't see them either. I suppose that's good, an opportunity to get things done around the house. And I actually slept in a bit (till 7 LOL) since we didnt' have anywhere to go.


It's almost spring. In my flowerbeds you can see the leaves from daffodils, tulips and irises I planted the fall after we moved in. I actually have a slight tan line on my shoulders from time spent playing outside in the back yard wearing a tank top. I was thinking it's about time to pull all of the warm weather clothes from the basement and get them washed and ready to wear. I love spring - those first two weeks of nice warm weather, before the bugs come out - those are the best two weeks of the year, and they are almost here.

And yesterday? Yesterday, it snowed. :o\


I finished some longies last night for Cora:

I made a cute t-shirt to go with them. I'll get an action shot later. I think she needs a hat to match, don't you? :o)

I used this pattern. I altered it quite a bit. I didn't bother with short rows and my gauge was 4 sts per inch on size 10.5 needles. The yarn was really bulky. I also didn't bother with cuffs and just crocheted a scallop to the bottom of the legs. I'd call these a size 12 months. They're a little bit, but hopefully she'll wear them in the fall too.

Yarn: Yarn Bee's Mosaic Twist, just over 2 balls. I bought it at Hobby Lobby for .99 a ball. I think it's discontinued now, which is disappointing. It's a wool/acrylic blend, not sure the percentage, but it felts. The color is called Terra Rosa.


Last but not least, some pics of the girls.

Like mother....

Like daughter....

and this is what it looks like when Chloe and I try to put together a puzzle. I thought it was funny. This little baby wants to crawl so bad! It probably won't be long.

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