Monday, May 5, 2008

Another week

It's Monday again. Always so much to get done! Grocery shopping, laundry, all the usual. And I promised Chloe she could paint a picture on her new easel my mother got for her at a yard sale. Wee fun. I remember painting when I was in kindergarten, it was my favorite. It's just such a mess. Ah well, it's good for her.


We had a great day yesterday. Went fishing with my parents at Rifle Gap, sort of last minute. We didn't catch anything at all, but had a good time playing out in the sunshine. We found a nice spot by the lake that was all grassy and open, Cora sat on a big blanket, Chloe ran around like a crazy child, and Izzy was thrilled to have water to swim in. :o) Any opportunity to hang out with my parents is a much appreciated one, so I enjoyed myself too. We grilled hot dogs and hung out until 1:30 or so when the girls and I left them there to head back into town.

A week or so ago Chloe begged me to let her make real lemonade. The kind where you squeeze the lemons, put little lemon slices on the glass, etc. We bought some lemons, but just got around to making the lemonade yesterday. I've never had fresh lemonade before. It was actually pretty good. She had a good time making it, and we shared some with Andrew, who was doing yard work. We think it would be fun to have a bunch of kids over for a 'lemonade party' - bring a few lemons each, and let them all try their hand at squeezing them. I'll have to think more on that, because it could be pretty fun.


Not much else to report. I've started a 'list of 50 things to do before I die', you can see it down at the bottom of the screen. It's not finished, and there are a few things I've already done that I added since they've been on my mental list for some time (sky diving and having a baby at home). Anyhow, I see it as an awesome opportunity for scrapbooking, and having an actual list will make most of the things more likely to happen.

Anyhow, I guess I'm off for now. Hasta manana, and happy Cinqo de Mayo!

1 comment:

  1. Lilli and the little girl that lives downstairs want to have a Lemonade stand this summer. I think we'll have to do it and make fresh squeezed lemonade. Lilli loves making it, and I think she'll like it even more to make money making it! We always wanted to have them when we were kids, but we lived on a private road with no thru traffic. LOL
