Saturday, May 10, 2008

The happiest baby in the world... not very happy right now. Poor thing has two eye teeth coming in right now. She's going to look rather funny when they finish coming in - three teeth on the bottom and then two vampire teeth. I feel bad for her though, she just keeps chewing on her hand and whimpering. :o( Add that to the fact that she just can't quite figure out crawling, and she's a pretty frustrated baby.

Today is the Kite Festival at a nearby park. I didn't know about it till a friend called to tell me about it yesterday. She's taking her daughter, a friend of Chloe's. I told her we'd go. Ugh. I'm not looking forward to it. I hate that many people. Thankfully it's only a handful of blocks away, so we can walk and won't have to worry about trying to park. The first 500 kids get a free kite, so she wants to be there super early. We'll see how early we get there - Chloe's at Mark's, so it depends on whether he manages to drop her off on time or not. (He doesn't usually manage.)

I finished making my list of stuff we need to go camping next week. I have the girls' clothes and most of mine packed. I had Andrew bring up the camping totes so I can go through them and see what needs replacing and such. We didn't camp much last year (something about being ginormously pregnant makes you not want to go camping) so our stuff hasn't been used in awhile. I'm looking forward to getting out of here for a few days.

I finished a soaker last night:

The whole thing was mostly done a few weeks ago, but I hadn't added leg cuffs or a drawstring.

Pattern: Fern & Faerie free soaker pattern
Needles: size 7 circs
Yarn: Mystery wool from a yard sale years ago, .25 a ball, I think. I used two balls, one of each color held together throughout. It's horribly ugly. I'm calling it the Split Pea Soup soaker. My intention was to use up some stash yarn, and I did.

I've been doing a splendid job of using up all that yarn I bought at the yard sale a few months ago. I was making serious progress! Then my dad saw a big box of yarn at a yard sale, and bought the whole box. He's so sweet. :-) However, this means my stash is overflowing again. I'm not sure sure what I'm going to make next.

At that same yard sale, my mother also bought a high chair for two dollars. The pad was all torn up, so I'll have to make a new one. For two dollars, that's fine with me. Baby seems to like the high chair. Before this we just had one of those seats that you hook on the table which was fine for most of the time, but this will come in handy. AND at the same yard sale, my mommy bought me a brand new Pampered Chef muffin pan. Yay! I love my Pampered Chef stoneware. I have a cookie sheet and a bread pan, and now the muffin pan. This stuff is great, I tell you. I'm going to break in the muffin pan this morning with some apple oatmeal muffins.

I don't yard sale much anymore - getting out the door early with two little girls isn't such an easy task. But that's okay, I'll just let my parents yard sale for me. :o) They do a great job. LOL

1 comment:

  1. Just stopped in to wish you happy mother's day!

