Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Big Dominguez

We were planning on camping later this week with some friends, but when we looked at the weather and saw the rain forecasted, we decided to go ahead and just go. We got everything packed and ready in two hours, which is record time for camping with two little girls in a remote place! All we really forgot was dish soap and tongs for cooking, but we did alright without those.

We had planned to stay for two nights, but I had a headache all day yesterday and after dinner I was so miserable I was ready to go to bed, and we decided to just pack up and head home. I feel like a sissy, but oh well. We still had fun. Next time though, I'm taking along a couple of Advil, just in case.

We camped at a place called Big Dominguez, on the Uncompaghre Plateau, about an hour from home. It was gorgeous - totally peaceful, no one around, creeks running right through our little campground. I think Isabel was the happiest dog in the whole world for two days, getting to run around free like that and all that water around. Both she and Chloe were perpetually filthy, which means, of course, that they had a blast.

Cora had fun too, as long as she wasn't stuck in baby jail. :o) We put her on a big blanket the first day and she was content to sit at the edge of it and play with sticks and dirt, only tasting the occasional rock. LOL

We just stuck around the campground the first day - we arrived just in time to set up camp and make dinner. Yesterday we went for a drive through the ponderosa forest up on top of the plateau, and saw tons of wildflowers, lots of gorgeous scenery, and even a few animals. This little guy was right on the side of the road as we were driving by.

Picking wild marigolds:

Hubby trying to start a fire like a real man ;o) He gave up. LOL

Shooting a BB gun at a target in the meadow next to our camp site

There was no way I was letting that dirty little girl crawl into our tent covered in that much dirt, so to the creek it was, for a refreshing (read: freezing) bath!

My very favorite thing to do when we're camping is cooking. Our dinner menus this time: Pork chops, cranberry sauce, potatoes and fresh green beans the first night, chicken alfredo with whole wheat pasta and corn on the cob the second night. I'm not sure why I love making yummy stuff so much when we're out there, but cooking over a campfire thrills me. I also made pancakes for breakfast for the first time, and it was a success!

:::sigh::: I love camping. :o)


  1. Looks like you had an awesome time! I'm wanting to travel to Colorado sometime this summer to go camping..not sure if it'll happen, but I'd love to go!

  2. I love that first picture of Chloe walking towards the pond. I really like them all, but that one you could blow up, frame and put on the wall. I really miss camping! It's been a long time.
