Thursday, June 26, 2008

Feelin' guilty

I finished the other gift outfit last night. Aren't the cherries fun? I like them.


So this afternoon starts Country Jam. It's a big country music festival that goes on for four days. The first year, we camped out there. We're not so brave anymore. Or we're just old... Anyhow, my mom is watching Cora for two days, and Andrew's sister is watching her the other two days, and Chloe's staying with my mom the whole time except when Mark has her Saturday night and Sunday. My mom said she just can't do more than two days with Cora. It's really not very fun to watch a baby who cries the whole time her mommy is gone. :o\ I hope she gets over that soon. Chloe never did it, so I'm not sure how long it typically lasts. Anyhow, if anyone wants to tell me that I am NOT a bad mother for ditching my kids for 10 hours a day four days in a row, that'd be great. I'm feeling mighty guilty about it.


  1. I don't think there's anything wrong with that. You still need your life and things that make you happy otherwise you will just get burnt out. Now I'm saying this from what other moms have told me, seeing as how I'm not a mommy yet so I can't speak from experience. But it makes sense! :-)

  2. We just "ditched" Andrew for the past weekend. I felt a little guilty, but he had fun with my parents. On Friday was my cousin's dance recital. We had every intention of taking Andrew, but my sister offered to babysit, and then he spend the night at my parents' house. On Saturday, we went to Darien Lake (amusement park) and then had a concert there at night, so he spend another night with my parents. On Sunday, I had him for most of the day, but then he spent the night at my parents house again because we were leaving early Monday morning for the Toronto Zoo. Then we didn't get back from the zoo until after 10pm so he spent the night at my parents AGAIN and I had work the next morning (Tuesday), so I didn't pick him up until almost 11. On top of that, my parents are getting their house sided, roofed and new windows. They weren't sure when it was going to happen, but the company called up and said they'd be there Monday morning, so it was utter chaos! It was a nice weekend, but I'm sure I would've enjoyed it more if I didn't feel guilty about my parents watching him all that time (moreso for my parents, since Andrew was having a grand ol' time there). But, you're not a bad parent, you need a break every once in awhile and I'm sure at least Chloe will have a lot of fun. Babies are a little harder, but Cora will be fine too. :)

  3. You should stop beating yourself up for leaving the girls. I think all moms need a break now and then. Infact, I think part of the reason I'm going so nuts is because I don't ever take a break!

  4. LOL Julie.... Kids NEED to have time away from their mommies occasionally... it's good for them and it's good for YOU. Cora is just experiencing separation anxiety, since she's always with you... but she'll be okay, and you and Andrew NEED this time alone to have fun and just be a couple again.

    Don & I used to have date nights once a week, and left the kids with either grandparents or with a babysitter. It was good for them and really good for us.

    So, go, have fun, and LIVE IT UP!!! You certainly deserve it...

  5. you are most definitely not a bad mother. You are just taking some much needed time to spent with your husband without the kids for a while. I think most marriages need that.

  6. um as hard as you work for your family you so deserve a few days away!! have fun!!
