Saturday, July 5, 2008

Independence Day pics & such

I hope everyone had an excellent Fourth of July. :o) Ours was low-key, but nice.

We went to the parade downtown after dinner. Chloe HATES fireworks, so I thought maybe she'd like the parade instead.

After the parade, Chloe went to her dad's house. Andrew, Cora and I walked to a nearby park to set out a blanket and watch the city's fireworks show. Cora thought crawling around in the dark on the grass was great fun. She wasn't in bed until after 11:00 last night, and was perfectly happy about it. Silly girl. She just loves being outside.

1 comment:

  1. Looks like fun was had by all... We went to Meg & Drew's for bbq, then Don was feeling bad, so we came home around 8ish... and you won't believe this... we watched fireworks ON TV!!! LOL how insane is that???

    Today, Don's been working out in the garden, I exercised for an hour at the gym, and now I'm in the middle of painting the bathroom. Sweating like a fat man thinkin' about work!!! LOL (Don's fav. saying)

    What is the Colorado Challenge?

    Ciao, sweetie~ Deb
