Thursday, July 24, 2008

Mesa County Fair 2008

I took the girls, plus Chloe's friend Allysa to the fair yesterday afternoon. We stopped in to see some of the exhibits, but they weren't very patient so I didn't get to look around much. My pickled asparagus got second. Hopefully I'll be able to go back and enjoy it more when I don't have the big girls. :o) We also got to see the goats, sheep, llamas and some pigs -in fact, we saw an escape pig, which is always funny to watch (and a rather common occurrence.) I showed Chloe some of the 4-H exhibits, trying to get her interested for starting it in January.

After that, we paid an exorbitant amount of money for the girls to ride the fair rides. I can't believe what it costs to do that these days! But whatever, it's once a year and it's fun.

Here are the pics.

Sno-cones! We ran into Andrew's sisters while we were all eating sno-cones with red syrup - even Cora had some red all over her face as evidence. Oops.

Lucky Duck - they each won a pirate sword.

This was their favorite game. They had guns and got to pretend to shoot. There were several parents who wouldn't allow this one. I guess I'm not a good mom. LOL

So Chloe was actually pretty much terrified to go on anything at first. She got into the Fun House, got about half way up, and started bawling. She's "scared of high climates", she says. The guy that worked there had to go rescue her and bring her down.

The she saw the Bees and the Rockets. She didn't want to go on them. "They go too fast. They look to bumpy." I had to BEG the child to get on the honeybee ride. And of course, then she had fun.

Unfortunately, it didn't always work out so well. Allysa convinced her to climb up the enormous ladder and go down the bumpy slide. Chloe got up there, sat down on her mat, and then froze. And then started screaming. The poor guy at the top of the slide spoke not a word of English and didn't know what to do. So I had to ask some random lady to please watch my baby to be sure no one stole her while I raced up the stairs to get my poor kid. She wouldn't even go down with me. We had to stop all the other kids from going up the stairs while we made our way alllll the way back down. Silly girl. Mind you, she's been on all of these rides every year since she was two, and has always loved them. She's just going through a phase, I guess... I hope.

But she did love the "Miracle Round" and they went on it five times or more.

Cora was especially good, just hung out in her stroller the whole time with a bottle of juice and some crackers. One guy asked if I'd like to take her on the merry-go-round, so I did. She thought that was the neatest thing. She was adorable - her little lips pursed into a perfect "o" of excitement, and she kept singing "oooooooooo" along with the music. She held on to the bar like a big girl for a minute, then would let go and start clapping and giggling. Sadly, I have no picture, because I had to hold her and no one else was with us.

I finally had to put gas in my van in order to get to the Fairgrounds and home. It was the second time since Father's Day. My goal is 15 in one year, so I have 13 more to go. Not bad, but cutting it close already.

It finally really rained last night. It was the first decent rain we've had since I put my garden in this spring. It was lovely - thunder and lightening all around, rain pouring down. Love that. But of course, Chloe was scared of the thunder, so she was up with me until after 10:00, until I decided just to go to bed. Ah well, at least my garden got to enjoy it.

One quick pic of Cora finger painting the other day, just cuz she's cute:


  1. Looks like fun was had by all at the fair. One of my most pleasant memories of when my girls were little was taking them to the Alameda County Fair in Pleasanton, California. Fun times... Your post brought back so many memories... so thanks!


  2. It looks like the girls had a blast!

    At our county fair, you pay one admission price and get a bracelet...which allows you to get on all rides for "free". You just pay for food, games, and anything you decide to buy. All the exhibits and shows are "free" as well.

  3. Yeah, that's what ours does too. But it's $25 for a bracelet, plus a $5 admission fee per person, so it adds up quick.

    And when did carnival games go up from $1 to $3? I was surprised at that - it used to be like a dollar for three balls, or whatever.

  4. Ours is $20 for admission and the bracelet is free. I have no idea how much the games are because we never really play them.

  5. The girls look like they had a great time!

    I cant wait for our county fair! It's next weekend and we'll be away, but it starts Wednesday evening, so hopefully we can make it.

    The county to the south of us has one of the biggest fairs in the country and that's always fun too. I cant wait!
