Wednesday, October 22, 2008

I made some stuff

The girls' fall dresses. Both are sundress style and can be worn with a turtleneck underneath for much needed warmth.

Whenever I finish a big project, I knit a bunch of silly little things and have a bunch of false starts on projects before I start another. I have sitting in my knitting basket right now a raglan homespun sweater, a cotton wash cloth, a lace scarf. I won't even bother trying to explain the powder blue acrylic and novelty fur dog sweater, which is finished but will probably never have the ends woven in....

Happily, I've managed to actually finish a couple of projects too. I finally jumped on the Calorimetry bandwagon:

This is one of those patterns that nearly everyone who has the internet and knits has made.

Yarn: Paton's SWS in Natural Plum, leftover from a diaper cover last year.
Needles: I don't remember, whatever the pattern called for.
Mods: casted on 100 sts instead of 120, worked 12 repeats of row 5.
Used another of my recently inherited antique buttons for closure. Every project I knit for the next five years is going to have antique buttons. That pleases me.

In answer to Deb's question about buying the gorgeous $50 skein of yarn - no, I didn't buy it. Instead, I spent $50 on yarn for a sweater for the Husband. It's called Cable Guy from Debbie Stoller's Son of Stitch & Bitch, and a picture of the pattern can be seen here. (Site may only be available to Ravelry members. If you can't view the site, I guess you'll have to wait until I finish the sweater to see it. Which may very well take the better part of the next year.)

And Deb, thanks for being an enabler. I need more people like you in my life. :o)

I also made an uber comfy, utterly boring but still quite pretty scarf:

Absolutely simple shell stitch pattern (that's crochet, not knitting.)

Hook: J
Yarn: Plymouth Superwash Wool in 3 coordinating shades of green.
It's over 6 feet long, I can wrap it around my neck two or three times comfortably, the color is perfect, I already washed and dried it so it's super soft and cozy and I have no doubt I'll wear it regularly for years to come. That makes me feel better, because knitting scarves makes me want to kick something. Scarves are like socks - they take FOREVER for a very small finished product, but once I finish them, I usually wear them constantly. I rarely knit scarves for myself - in fact, out of the dozens of knitting projects I've completed, I think I only have 5 scarves for myself. I do knit scarves for other people though, because they are one size fits all and most people will wear a scarf. Except my mother.

Anyway so yeah, that's what I made.

Deb also asked about Cora's shiner...

It's doing fine, I guess, if you call a dark greenish-purplish-black bruise surrounding one eye "fine". It's especially fun to take her out in public, let me tell ya.

She fell again today. She got all excited when I came to find her (unwinding a ball of yarn) and came to greet me from the computer room. She stood up high on her knees, put her hands up, and then intended to plant her hands firmly on the step that goes up from the computer room into Chloe's bedroom. Except that her hands missed the step, and her forehead didn't. She has now acquired a gorgeous reddish purple bump on her forehead, which coordinates beautifully with the black eye.


This child is going to make me crazy before she even really starts walking.


  1. Awesome dresses! You're so talented :)

  2. Poor baby!! I hate it when Christian bumps into stuff and gets a black eye! I hate taking him out in public too when that happens!!! You never know what people are thinking! And by the way, super cute dresses! I remember when my mom used to make us dresses! They were always so beautiful! Good memories! You are SOOOOO talented!
