Thursday, December 11, 2008

In love with a vampire :o)

A friend of mine recently told me she was reading the Twilight series of books and offered to loan me the first one. I've heard about Twilight - teeny boppers across the nation are obsessed with these books, and the movie that just hit theaters a couple of weeks ago. I rolled my eyes. Seriously now, a vampire love story? Give me a break. Why on earth would I waste my time reading a vampire love story?

But I started reading the book at lunch one day, for lack of any other reading material close by. By the third page I was hooked, sucked in, couldn't put it down. Oh, I love when that happens. I neglected housework, did everything I could to keep my kids happy (You want candy? Sure, have candy. Just be quiet and let me read!) I finished the first book two days later. I'm on book two now, though it's slower going since my husband's home this week.

Anyway, seriously, these books are fabulous. I don't find books that I really love like this very often. I just can't get over them. Any book that can make you giggle hysterically, cry, yell and curse is totally a book worth reading.

We went and saw the movie yesterday (a date! it was splendid!) If you're thinking of seeing the movie, but haven't read the book, I'm afraid you'll be sadly disappointed. You just can't turn that book into a two hour long movie, and still get the real points across. Go get yourself a copy of the book. Overlook the fact that you're about to read a book about a vampire, and just have a go at it. It's so absolutely worth your time.


We have been SO busy lately! It seems like there's something to do every day, though I guess really there hasn't been too much. We're having Andrew's family over for dinner tonight, we're having a cocktail party at our house tomorrow, and we're going to dinner at another friend's house Saturday. Sunday we'll try to recoup a little, and then Andrew's back to work for a week. it looks like he might be switching weeks off, which would mean he'd have the whole week of Christmas off. I'm hoping the change becomes official, because I'd love to have him home that week.

Planning a cocktail party is stressing me out, though I don't know why. It's the kind of stress that I thrive on though. It should be great fun, we'll have some good holiday drinks, some yummy snacks, and some friends... mostly guys from Andrew's crew at work, but whatever. It should still be pleasant.


I s'pose that's all for now. My life just isn't interesting enough to write much about these days!


  1. Meghan loves those books! She got Dyan hooked on them too.... and she's gonna drag my butt to the movies for some Mom-n-Meg time. Oy... but you say they're good? Okay... I dunno, I just don't know if I can read a book about vampires.... hmmmmm....

    Have fun with your parties! I love cocktail parties.... you'll be a wonderful hostess, I know it.

  2. Omgosh! I LOVE it! I am totally in love with those books. You will not be disappointed by the ending... it's fabulous!

    I tried getting my mom to read them.. and she wont. But I did get her to agree to see the movie with me... I just know she will admit I'm right and that it's not evil or anything! hahaha!

    I love finding new people who love these books... and when you're done with the Twilight series, you should read The Host... also written by Stephenie Meyer, and also amazing!

  3. We love the Twilight series too! Andy has read through it twice and I'm on the third book, but haven't really gotten a chance to read it since Andrew's been sick for a week. The books are so hard to find around here (at least at the library - we're waiting for the 3rd and 4th to come out on paperback before we buy them).

    You are right about the movie. We saw it a few weeks ago and we were really disappointed. I'm sure it would have been fine as a stand-alone movie, but not after reading the book. Too much was left out and switched around.

    I know I was groaning at the Twilight hype too, but I'm glad I gave in. My neighbor (early 40s school teacher) was raving about them over the summer. I should have listened to her then!
