Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Ooooh I'm obsessed.

So a couple of months ago, my husband said "We should go somewhere warm this winter." I kind of blew it off, not knowing how serious he really was. Then he suggested I get a passport. Then he suggested I call a travel agency.

We have plans. Real plans. OMGoodness I am so excited. I'm more excited than I was for Disneyland, and that's hard to do.

How on earth do you find a specific "somewhere warm" when there are so many stinkin' choices?! I looked at cruise options through the Western Caribbean. Cruises and hotel packages in Hawaii. After much chatting with the very pleasant and very gay man at the travel agency, I made a decision. We are going to Riviera Maya, Mexico.

We're going to Mexico!

The vacation package the travel guy found for me is all inclusive - air fare, transportation, hotel, food, drinks, even some water sports like snorkeling, hobie-cat, windsurfing - it's all covered for one price. The resort is HUGE, which intimidates me, but I'm sure we'll have a blast.

And the things to do! Ah, I'm overwhelmed! How does one decide what to do with five days in the Mexican Riviera? There's a tour you can take that involves snorkeling through underground rivers and caves, rappelling into a limestone sinkhole-turned lagoon, canoeing, a bit of hiking through a jungle, and zip lining through it, plus exploring some Mayan ruins. Seriously, can you think of anything you'd rather do? There's that one little bit about the fact that I've never snorkeled, or rappelled, and I'm a rather useless canoe-er, but hey, who am I to let that stop me? I'm all for a little adventure! We've only got one life to live, and there aren't any guarantees, so I'm all about some crazy jungle expedition.

The dinner dress codes at all of the restaurants at the resort are pretty formal - slacks, button-down shirt, sometimes a jacket are required. That excites me far more than it ought to, but I'm a stay at home mother - my daily uniform involves jeans and a comfortable shirt, or occasionally a casual skirt if I'm really looking to dress up. The idea of high heels, pretty clothes and sparkly jewelry makes my stomach do cartwheels. What a silly girl I am. :o)

I found a website called "Undiscovered Mexico" - it tells you places to go that most tourists don't but that are totally worth seeing. I'm all about a big fancy vacation, but I'd love to spend some time doing things that everyone else isn't already doing, and avoid some of the tourist crowds. My list of things we "absolutely have to do" is growing very quickly, and I'm afraid I'll have to whittle it down a bit to fit everything in and still give my poor husband a few hours to sleep here and there.

And the girls will be well cared for - Andrew's sister Noelle has offered her babysitting services for the trip, and will stay here at our home with them, with my mom and a close friend offering relief babysitting when needed. Leaving Cora for 6 days may be a little tough, but I think she'll do just fine.

Ah. I just can't believe how lucky I am, to be going to MEXICO! Spoiled rotten housewife, right?


  1. That sounds AMAZING! Take lots of pics (I know you will, but I still have to say it!!!).

  2. Oh, YAY FOR YOUUUUUUUUUUU..... Okay, so when ya going, and is it anywhere near Cabo? I'm thinking that with the word "maya" in there, that you're probably on the opposite side of the continent... but I have wishful thinking... We'll be in Cabo from Feb. 8 - 15.... (crossing my fingers)
