Sunday, March 22, 2009

An early spring hike

We went for a hike yesterday near a campground we camped at last year. We packed a picnic lunch and the BB gun and had a nice little outing. :o)


Andrew and I spent some time over the past few days prepping and grinding about 16 pounds of venison into "hamburger". All the venison has to be trimmed of any fat, then cut into grinder-sized pieces. Then you grind it on a large setting, and again on a smaller setting. It took quite awhile, but we have a shelf full of ground meat in our freezer now. Can't beat that!

I let the girls spend the morning painting earlier this week. Cora's funny - she hates to be dirty, but loves to be creative, so it was a constant struggle for her. They both had a great time though. Chloe painted a vanity/jewelry box that she got for her birthday.

My first little sproutlings are up in the garden - peas and broccoli are finally emerging. I was getting nervous, it's taken awhile, so I'm glad to know I'm still capable of producing food for the family. Hopefully it keeps on comin' - and hopefully some of the other stuff sprouts soon.


Hey Katey, don't be too jealous - looks like snow, rain, and freezing temperatures all week for us down here. Gotta love Colorado; they always say if you don't like the weather, wait five minutes.

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