Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Changing seasons

The earth made clear that yesterday was the first day of fall: it was 53 degrees at 10 o'clock in the morning yesterday. How did this happen?! Summer has flown by - it seems to do that more quickly with every year. I'm ready for fall - I love fall. But I'm not ready to admit we're that much closer to another year coming to an end.

Since it's a requirement of motherhood to dress one's children properly for the weather, I figured it was time to drag out all of the big Rubbermaid storage tubs holding their fall and winter apparel in the basement. It's like shopping - only you get to stay home and you don't spend any money. Really, it's lots of fun to go through everything I bought last year and forgot about, finding outfits from when Chloe was a toddler that I adored, making lists of what sewing needs to be done, and folding it all and hanging it all neatly. We have a mini fashion show in the living room as they try on sweaters and long pants to determine whether they'll fit this year or not.

And then comes the part where we have to pack away the summer clothes. Now, when I do this in my own closet, I know I'm going to be pulling those tank tops and shorts right back out come April or May. But putting away the sun suits and the sundresses and the summer hats and that really cute Old Navy swim suit... there will be no pulling them back out next year. They won't fit. Children grow - usually at an alarming rate. As I hang the winter things and toss the fantastic handmade sundresses into the big plastic tub I sigh, because I realize...

They will never fit into these things again. They will never, ever be this little again.

The seasons change, the babies grow. It's life... and it's exciting, but it's bittersweet.


  1. omg. I totally know what you mean...

    I've taken a peek in the bins a few days ago, and will actually go through next week. VERY bittersweet. Bittersweet that the older one used to be so little, like HOW did she ever get so big? Bittersweet that the next stop for the bins is out of the house and probably to my sister's. Bittersweet when the little one finally wears away the clothes and they need to be thrown out. All that.

  2. This almost made me cry :( I hate putting the kids' clothes away. Especially their little baby things. So sad :(
