Tuesday, September 1, 2009

If you give a kid a pumpkin seed...

If you give a kid a pumpkin seed, she's going to put it in some soil....

And when she puts it in the soil, it's going to ask for some water. When she gives it some water, it's going to grow, and ask for a bigger place to live. When it has a bigger place to live, it's going to take over that place, and plenty of space it was never told it was allowed to have.

And then, some day, it will produce a cute little orange pumpkin and put a big smile on the kid's face.

And if you give a kid a pumpkin, she's going to ask to make a pumpkin pie....


  1. the schedule thing is KILLLLLLING me LOL I feel like I am missing out on oportunities because I have to stick to the schedule....

  2. So cute!! Maybe next year I should grow pumpkins. My beans were decent, the plants that survived the bunny thrived. My carrots are miniscule, but I plucked one today and they do smell like carrots LOL My tomatoes, on the other hand, are doing poorly. I've gotten a haldful of cherry tomatoes, but the plants all have that blight that hit the northeast and are dying. They all have a ton of green fruit on them, but are slowly getting black spots and dying. They were doing so well too! So sad. I may start my fall/cool weather crops soon.

  3. Great job, Kim! Did you give your carrots long enough to get big? They do take a long time. Sorry to hear about your blight - sounds like it hit just about everyone this year. :-(

    Pumpkins are great fun but they require a TON of space. We didn't put them in the garden or they would've taken over - they had their own special bed to take over, and ended up taking over a big corner of the backyard. There are 6 or 8 more pumpkins that we can see though, and maybe some that are hiding in the grass still. :-)
