Sunday, October 18, 2009

Fallish Bits

Fall is the time for long walks through the neighborhood, looking at changing trees and collecting pretty leaves.

Since our gardening is about done it's freeing up lots of time - no more hours spent canning, chopping, and freezing, no more spending the evening hours outside working and playing. That means more time for fun stuff! For some new ideas, I went to the Family Fun website and picked out a couple that looked cute.

First up, Spider Snacks:

So simple, but really was a hit. Cora insisted on making her own: it looked a little bit more like a crab than a spider, but I don't think she cared.

We also made an Apple Tree bag:

(Sorry the picture is upside down. I don't wanna fight with it.) Simple project, (nearly) instant gratification, and it's something that will get used regularly. (I really can't stand children's art projects that serve to purpose other than to keep the kid busy for an hour. We have plenty of them, but I'd rather see a useful purpose behind a project, ya know? Cuts down on clutter.)

All this extra time we have on our hands has given me plenty of time to make and sell pumpkin hats - seems all I have to do is take my kids out in public wearing theirs and we drum up plenty of business. Love free advertising!

'Tis all for now. Gotta get to work on Halloween costumes now. :o)

1 comment:

  1. That's so cute! I didn't know you were selling your hats. Those are really precious.

    The apple bag is very cute! The spider snack was funny b/c I originally thought it was so cool that there was a web underneath, but turns out they're scratches on the plate (I'm not criticizing - all my plates look like that too)!
