Friday, December 4, 2009


The day after Thanksgiving is an official holiday in our house - Decorate For Christmas Day.

I love Christmas. I love the way the house feels when it's covered from top to bottom in ribbons, garlands, and twinkling lights.

So we go all out.

My husband drags up the boxes of decorations from the basement. He keeps a cheerful attitude about it all, even though I'm pretty sure it annoys him to no end. And there are a lot of boxes.

The girls and I ooh and ahh over all the pretty things that come out of the boxes as we search for places to showcase each one.

As we put out all the Christmas things, we pack the every-day decor into the boxes, not to be seen again til after New Year's.

Of course, there's always time for some fun and some giggles.

And lots of telling stories of holidays past, happy memories to be passed down.

Christmas isn't just a day. It's a season. There are crafts and gifts to make, cookies to bake, friends to have over, songs to sing, memories to remember and memories to create. It really is the most wonderful time of the year.


  1. That's a lot of decorations!

    I really need to expand a bit. I've been doing the same old for so many years, it's starting to get boring. I mean, the tradition is great and really the basis of the season, but I need to be inspired a bit too!

    Did you make the red sweater?

  2. Stumbled onto your blog while clicking that "next blog" button XD

    I agree that the house feels so nice with all the Christmas decorations up.
    And your girl looks very cute in the Christmas hat =]

  3. Wendy - yes, I made it. It was Chloe's first, when she was littler.
    As for expanding in the decorations department, I usually go out after Christmas and buy a couple of new things each year when it's all on clearance. Then it gets packed away and brought out the next year. Last year I got ceramic serving platters, mugs, etc. for about a dollar each. :o)
