Thursday, February 18, 2010

Getting Started....

It was a happy mail day today.

My main seed order, from Pine Tree Garden Seeds, came today. Whee!

Being as I lack self control, and I'm so ready to start believing that spring is just around the corner, I planted some cold-crop starts in a flat that will now have to live on my kitchen table for lack of a better place to put it. Broccoli, kohlrabi, spinach and chard - plus cilantro, basil, chives and oregano in pots on the plant stand. I'm not an herb grower - I've never had luck with them, but I refuse to give up!

Happy planting to all! Anyone else getting early crops started?


  1. I went to those websites you gave and ordered catalogs! Havent gotten any yet, but I saw seeds at the store yesterday and commented to Andy about how I need to think about starting my garden soon. He sorta rolled his eyes, but whatever LOL

  2. Yay, Kim! I can't wait to hear about your garden this year. :o) Tell Andy to go ahead and roll his eyes - he won't be rolling them anymore when every meal he eats is made from garden veggies. LOL

  3. He'd be happier if he actually ate veggies. He doesnt eat many of them. Hopefully my tomatoes live this year, I got some nasty blight and a lot of them died. I gave the ones that made it to my dad, but I did taste the first one I picked, just because. I love tomato products, but I hate tomatoes LOL

    I really want to grow some different stuff this year. I had way too many bean plants last year, and I really want snap peas. We did pick them fresh from a local farm, but I started my garden too late to grow my own. I need a bigger plot, I may have to dig up some more of our side yard. I cant go along the back of our yard, our pool is in the way and I cant dig that up LOL I cant wait to hear about your garden because it inspires me to grow and try some different things myself! (I must admit that I did use Miracle-Gro last year. I didnt want to, but my plants werent growing, we had a crappy summer. Hopefully this summer will be better).

  4. Kim - too many green beans? Is there such a thing? LOL Did you put any by for winter? Green beans are super easy if you freeze them - just snap them and boil them for about 2 minutes (blanching) and then put them in freezer bags. My green bean crop failed miserably last year and that's one thing I've been wishing for all winter long. It's always so easy to just toss in some frozen green beans as a side dish or in soups.

    Sounds like you're even more ambitious this year than last - I hope your tomatoes do well too. Then I can convince you to start making tomato sauces and stuff. :o)

  5. oh my gosh. You've reminded me taht I have yet to order my seeds!Your seed starting looks beautiful!

  6. we skipped it altogehter last year....going big this year because I HATE paying for the stuff at the grocery store plus all the crap that is on them so pics will come
