Saturday, March 20, 2010

Happy Spring!

Today was the first day of spring! Thankfully, we had sunny skies which made it feel pretty springy, as long as you didn't go outside... 43 degrees is NOT warm enough to be called "springy" weather in my opinion.

We celebrated by making little seed packets for the seeds we collected from the garden last year.

We saved lettuce, marigold, sunflower and pumpkin. We took some of each to our gardening neighbor next door, tied up with a bow and a little "Happy Spring" card, and we'll drop some off at my mom's in hopes that she'll actually plant them.

We tested the seeds a month or two ago and most all of them sprouted, so they ought to work well. I like the satisfaction of completing the circle. I'd like to do some more seed saving this year, since most all of the garden will be heirloom variety vegetables.

We've got enough of the marigold, sunflower and pumpkin to share a few packets, so if you'd like to get some seeds in the mail, email me your address at itdoesntsck2bme at hotmail dot com. I'll send out as many as I can, sometime this week.

Hope everyone else had a happy First Day of Spring!

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