Thursday, May 13, 2010

Bell Ruffle Hats

I made some hats for the girls while we were camping...

Pattern: Bell Ruffle Toddler Hat (adjusted for a larger size for Chloe - added 12 sts to original casted on amount, increasing circ. by 1".)
Yarn: Red Heart acrylic (which, unfortunately, is itchy.)
Needles: size 8 circs and dpns
Interchangeable ribbons means they can wear them with lots of different outfits!


  1. Adorable! The hats and the girls!

  2. I love them! You should sell them on etsy, Julie!!!

  3. Oh Julie, if I had seen those a few months ago I'd have bought some. My grandgirlie is just finishing her cancer treatments and she'd have loved those! Her hair is just starting to grow back.
    Your girl are so beautiful. And I cannot imagine whipping up knit hats while camping. It'd take me a year to make just one.

  4. Thanks guys! I can't sell them, since the pattern isn't my own and it's copyrighted. Otherwise I'd consider it, they are so cute and such quick little knits.

    Jan - I had no idea you guys were going through that! Goodness, since you stopped blogging I've been completely out of touch with what's going on in your life. Would your granddaughter still wear one at all? If she would, I'd love to send her one as a gift. Please let me know, really. I wish I had your email addy, I'll search through my address book and see if I can find it. Many hugs to you, grandmama, what a rough ride you must have had!

  5. Julie, how sweet you are! She's getting her hair back and she's got baseball caps to wear when she wants to cover up, but that's such a sweet offer.
    Kelly is 11 and on January 5th she was told she has Hodgkin's lymphoma. It's been quite a ride, but she finishes treatment this week! We're very excited and since she was caught at Stage 1 we feel this might just do the trick. I told her she is now in Stage None.
    I used to feel funny peeking in on your family, but I have to check in on the girlies now. :-) Thanks fo sharing them

  6. THese are really really darling! (and I never use that word. but they are just darling!)
