Sunday, July 25, 2010

County Fair results

It's always so much fun to go to the exhibit hall at the fair and see all of the projects. It never ceases to amaze me to see what beautiful things people can produce.

There were some beautiful projects in knitting. Look at this sweater! Someone sure did put a huge amount of time and effort into it.

And this one too - and it looks like it fits in such a beautiful and flattering way.

And seriously, teeny tiny thread to make a Barbie doll wedding dress? Not sure I'd ever do that myself, but this is gorgeous work, and so tedious!

It floors me that the above projects only got red ribbons - you can tell how much time and energy people put into them, and I couldn't find much wrong with any of them.

There's everything in the needlework category from Barbie wedding dresses to fancy socks and everything in between. They're divided up into separate groups for judging.

My projects did fairly well. (No one wrote on the back of my tag that I kind of suck, so I was happy.)

My lace shawl took a red ribbon, which isn't terribly disappointing since it was my first attempt at a lace shawl.

I also put in a crocheted hat that got red, though I forgot to take a picture of it.

Pablo got blue - he deserved it. When I went to pick up my entries this morning, I also found out that he got People's Choice. Apparently other people think Pablo is as desperately handsome as I do.

My little girl's pumpkin hat got blue as well...

And Cora's ruffle hat got blue, plus Best of Show.

Having two purple ribbons makes me happy.

So I'm done with the panic, I have my items back at home where they belong. There are helpful notes on the backs of the cards to help me improve my knitting again over the course of the next year.

I think everyone should try entering something at the fair, even if only once. It can be fun (and nerve wracking) and is a great way to learn what areas you need to improve on.


  1. Back in the days when I could see and my eyes didn't go all wonky, I used to do counted cross-stitch. I made a piece from a kit, but I was really proud of it and entered it in a local fair. It got a red ribbon, and they told me had it been framed better it would have been blue - live & learn.
    My husband's boss loved it so much that I gifted it to her. Now that she's in declining health she gave it back to me to make sure that if something happened I got it. So, it has a little story and I will pass it on to my kids one day.
    Anyway, your things are just beautiful, Julie. You deserve all the pretty ribbons!
    Hugs, Jan

  2. I took my girls to the fair and after reading that you had entered some items, we went over to check them out. I searched all the tags for the ones with your name on them. When I saw all your ribbons and that you got best of show twice, I was beaming with pride! Its funny because I am certainly not the one who took the time to knit those things, but seeing how well you did made me feel so happy for you! Congrats!
    Your girls are so lucky to be growing up with a mommy that is able to show them and teach them to do all the these wonderful things :)

  3. Your items are beautiful! Love the shawl and Pablo.

  4. oh my god! I had to stop myself from scrolling fast, because I wanted to read all the words, I am sooo excited that you won these ribbons! These projects were all beautiful. Cora's hat is my personal favorite. Can you imagine all the people with their little pads, looking over your items, oohing and aahing, nodding their heads? :)

  5. WTG!! You inspired me...think I will have the kids enter digital pics...they all rock at it...thank you for the kind words to BTW

  6. Jan - what a lovely story behind your cross-stitch! I'm sure it will be treasured, that's what I love about handmades like that, or like knitting.
    Kelly - How sweet you are! Thanks so much. Did you enjoy your visit to the fair?
    Anke - thank you! I love Pablo too, he's my favorite project in recent memory.
    Wendy - LOL You make me laugh. Thanks for being excited with me!
    Katey - definitely have the kids enter something, I think Chloe will next year! There are so many neat projects to choose from. Have you guys ever considered 4-H? There's only a meeting once a month, usually, and most of the folks who do it are real nice. You know, since you guys aren't busy enough yet...
