Saturday, August 7, 2010

Spoke too soon...

Remember in my last blog post, how I was enjoying the relaxation that came with this part of summer, when I wasn't spending every afternoon canning?

Ha. Ha ha ha ha. Ha.

That was before we picked apricots at the neighbor's house...

This is just one of the four baskets we filled - twenty two pounds in all. Love generous neighbors.

Also love having a hard working little girl that willingly washed and pitted nearly all of them for me!

Of course, it wasn't just apricots - we've got tomatoes coming on now, and cucumbers that were discovered hiding in the vines. And then the neighbor brought over four huge zucchini and a couple more cukes for us.

In two afternoons, we put up

one batch of apricot jam
3 quarts plus 3 pints of apricots in syrup
1 pint of dehydrated apricots
2 pints of crushed tomatoes
3 pints of bread and butter pickles
3 pints of zucchini pickles

Certainly not a bad start to the canning season. Sadly, afternoons spent relaxing in the sunshine and watching the girls play are long gone - it's all uphill from here!


  1. You've been very busy and everything looks so good. Several years ago I helped my Mom and Grandma pick cherries of their cherry tree and was allowed to take as many as I wanted. I definitely bit of more than I could chew, because I was canning cherries for two weeks straight. My fingers were a lovely shade of purple and by the time I was done, I didn't want to look at another cherry ever again. It was definitely worth it though...

  2. wow, looks great though. What a gorgeous gigantic basket of apricots!

  3. Hello! This is my first visit to your blog, but I think it's very charming and fun to read. I especially loved the pictures of your canning efforts. I know nothing about canning, but it looks like rewarding work. I'll be sure to check back later to what else you post. Have a wonderful Friday!

  4. Anke - what luck to have someone give you so many cherries! I've never canned them, but I imagine it would be a whole lot of work. But you're right - definitely worth it!

    Wendy - thanks!

    Mouse - thanks for visiting! Yes, canning is rewarding - watching those jars start stacking up, and then enjoying the bounty all winter is certainly worth the effort we put into it. :-)
