Saturday, September 11, 2010

I grew a bouquet...

Albeit, it's not as gorgeous as the bouquet my husband sent for our anniversary the other day, but I grew my own bouquet.

And that makes me happy.

Sunflowers are so cheerful, aren't they? I'm not normally one to bring cut flowers into the house, but we had so many of these, I couldn't resist just a few.

For a girl who really can't grow a flower to save her life, this is a pretty great feat!

Is anyone else growing bouquets this year? Have you seen the gorgeous bouquets available and Farmer's Market? Sunflowers, dahlias, and zinnias, oh my! Some day, maybe I'll be that cool.


  1. Dear Julie,
    I loved your Sunflowers! This year the dirt at my leased home is so poor that my sunflowers have again been my friends...they are now filled with yellow and green finches and squirrels. The finches are the only ones who know how to hang upside down to get the seeds out.
    Many years ago, when I was about 31 and Evan was about 1, I was suffering from severe depression. It was in Orange in our old house, and it rained, and rained and rained that year. I had a bird feeder on the front porch full of sunflower seed, and as I filled it, I spilled a ton of seed. Being lazy, I hosed it down the walkway. A few days later, I had beautiful cheerful sunflowers lining both sides of the walkway, in December. I brought bouquets in forever, and I honestly believe God sent me the sunflowers to get me through the gloomy times of being alone and at home with no one to talk to.
    God Bless your Garden, and your wonderful Diary! Hugs, Aunt Diane

  2. Your sunflowers are so pretty! We didn't grow any this year and I really miss having them.

  3. Aww Diane, what a lovely blessing, and a sweet story! Sunflowers sure are good for bringing cheer. Thanks for the sweet note!

    Anke, thanks! Our sunflowers were mostly "weeds" - we let the ones from last year go to seed. We left the ones that weren't in too inconvenient of a place, and I'm so glad we did now!

  4. I think you could be that cool! Just get yourself a few catalogs this winter while it's snowy, get some graph paper, and think about color combos, heights, textures, etc. You'll be totally sucked in. I guarentee. I may have a few sent to your house. :)

  5. You 'gotta come visit!!! All kinds of flowers grow wild out here...
    Of course you grew a bouquet! Sunflowers are food, too ;-)
