Wednesday, January 5, 2011

I knitted some things...

Just a quickie post before I head to bed because I have to be up early for jury duty tomorrow. Let's all say a quick prayer that Julie doesn't get selected as a juror.

:::moment of silence:::


So anyway.

I hate neon colors. Have you noticed how neon colors are totally making a comeback? They didn't make any of us look good when we wore them in elementary school in the early 90's. (Right at that awful "awkward" stage... which the neon just seemed to magnify, right?) But alas, some neon has managed to find it's way into my home in the form of Little Girl Clothing. And so hats to match became a necessity. Because my children don't have enough hats yet.

And I'm excited to say, these are actually both my own design. (I'm a follower: I usually use patterns. Hooray for a brief moment of true creativity!)

Gaudy Hat #1:

Caron Simply Soft yarns in the most day-glo colors I could find: watermelon, electric lime, and minty blue.
Size 8 needles.
A simple pattern with cute results: casted on 92 sts in the round, 2x2 rib in pink for about an inch, knit straight in a stripey pattern with blue as the main color until piece measured about 8", three needle bind off, tassels for the corners. Super simple, basically just a rectangle with a ribbed band and some tassels.

She loves it. She hasn't taken it off yet. One thing I can say for this Caron Simply Soft yarn: it really is soft. This kiddo hates anything even the slightest bit scratchy.

Gaudy Hat #2
Crocheted basic little granny squares, seven of them, and crocheted them together to make a ring. Put a single crochet border in lime green along the top and bottom of the band. Picked up the top stitches first (72 of them, if I remember correctly), knitted straight for a few rows, then decreased by 8 every other row to 4 sts, then drew up the center and pulled it tight. Picked up another 72 sts on the bottom, knitted a few rows straight, then ended with a 2x2 rib bound of very loosely. It still rolls, but I think it's cute.

If anyone reads this and actually wants more specific instructions for either hat, feel free to leave a comment, and I'll see what I can work out for you.


And one last little project - crocheted doll accessories. Because having Two Little Girls to knit for is just not enough.

Leftover scrap yarn, made it up as I went along. Buttons for accents because I love any excuse to use brightly colored buttons. More specific directions are on my Ravelry, if you want them.

Alright y'all, I'm off to bed, as soon as I pick a new project to keep me entertained tomorrow. I have a feeling a lot of sitting and waiting is in my immediate future.


  1. A-DOR-ABLE!! OMG I wish you were my mom!! I never wore anything she made I can't decide which is cuter! hats...not girls...don't make me pick of the girls

  2. The hats are adorable. I love bright colors!

    Delaney just looked and said "Her (Cora's) cheesy smile looks just like my cheesy smile!"

  3. I LOVE the hats you made! They turned out really great and I really like the idea of using granny squares to make a hat. I would have never thought of doing that.

  4. Really cute! I love the doll accessories too. Every gal in the house can look sharp now!

    Those colors are great - and your models wear them well.

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