Thursday, March 17, 2011

Kitchen Curtains: Finished!

In case you were wondering what happened with the Kitchen Curtain Project (because I'm sure you all have nothing more important to do than think about my kitchen curtains), I'm happy to report that I finally finished them.


I am a terrible photographer. And taking pictures
of curtains is not easy. Forgive the awful photos.

Kitchen curtains. We've lived in this house for five years, and it finally looks like someone lives here.

Overall, I'm really happy with them. They change the look of the kitchen so much. They don't cover my beloved windows too much, but they make it look a little bit homier, and that was my goal. There's not one bit of peach in them, and yet they managed to tie in the Ugly Cabinets nicely (saving me from having to paint the cabinets and yes, even making me almost start to like them.) They're retro-vintage-y but still simple, and I love that about them. And I got to use nine different fabrics, which is always fun, especially when it involves patchwork.

Lace shopping was more of a chore than I expected it to be. Apparently, lace is pretty expensive stuff, especially when you need to buy twenty four yards of it. Everything I found in town (which wasn't much) was going to double the cost of the whole project. In looking around online, I found Lace Heaven, where I was able to purchase just the right laces for $.25 to $.39 a yard. The shipping was faster than I was expecting, and they actually gave me more than the yardage I ordered. Because I was ordering more than 5 yards, I even got a discount on the already insanely low prices. I'm not normally one to push other websites and stuff, but if you're in the market for lace, definitely check out that site. It's a keeper.

The best part of all? Every last bit of them was sewn on the Singer. And that thrills me, even though no one will ever be able to tell.


Two other pictures I took today and thought I'd share:

After a week of gorgeous, gardening-in-tank-tops weather, the first of the daffodils finally blossomed. Just in time for a mid-March evening snow.
And a picture of the Baby Chickens. Because they're cute, and it's spring, and everyone should be looking at pictures of baby animals.

(That's Goldilocks - the shy one- on top,
Matilda -the feisty puffball- on the left, and
Mrs. Tweets -the noisy runt- in front.)


  1. I think your curtains turned out great! I really like the look of them and that you can still get the garden view. We've got daffodils blooming for the first time since we moved in and I love looking at them. Cute chickens, wish they were mine... :-)

  2. Very nice, Julie.... very nice. :)

  3. LOVE the curtains! Care to make full length ones for my sliding glass door? The principal said we could get chicks NEXT yr. I need to do one project at a time...this yr the garden. Thanks for the encouragement. I agree your camping and gardening equals AT least a yrs worth of nature :) I am in denial that Em will be a freshman in the fall :(
