Friday, May 27, 2011


Since the last post showed my kiddo with rags in her hair, I thought it only fitting to post a few pictures of the finished product.

Please don't think I EVER allow my eight year old daughter out of the house with make-up on. I don't. Except when it's picture day at the dance studio, and make-up is part of the costume. I had fun getting her all made up though. Ninety percent of the time Chloe is my tomboy, with her hair hanging in her face or a limp braid down her back, usually with food or paint smudges on her face and dirt under her fingernails. And I love her like that. But she sure does clean up nice, doesn't she? Looking at these pictures causes a little bit of panic to set in: my little girl is growing up fast!

And here's a picture of the Littlest One, all done up and trying on her costume.

I'll post more pictures from the actual performance in a couple of weeks. :-)


  1. Lovely babies :-) ...and someday young ladies. Breathe, Mama-- she's still your little tomboy underneath that rouge :-)

  2. GORGEOUS! You aren't going to go on Toddler's and Tiara's are you? An intervention will be had then LOL
