Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Dancin' Under the Stars

Fact: Small town fun is way better than Big City fun.

Well, if you have the right state of mind, anyway. In the short time we've lived here, we've done more fun things together as a family than we did in the years we lived in the Big City. It's safer, the people are friendlier, and everything just feels a little more wholesome.

This holiday weekend, after the rodeo was over, there was a dance at the rodeo grounds. The band set up a stage on a flat bed trailer, a dance floor made with plywood covered pallets, and a makeshift party was had, right there next to the arena while the calves mooed from their pens and folks finished putting their horses into trailers.

If you've never had the opportunity to dance under the stars, you're missing out. There's something really special about it.

It doesn't matter that the dance floor is a little bumpy and scratchy, that the only real lighting is from Christmas lights strung along the trailer. What mattered was seeing my husband dance with my Littlest One...

And seeing my biggest one getting her farm girl groove on with a little cowboy...

 And enjoying the fact that we live in a place where there are such fun things to do. Country folks really do know how to have a good time! 

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