Tuesday, March 25, 2008

AI thoughts

Wow... interesting night for songs. There are a lot of songs I wouldn't have picked for the contestants, but hey, it's not me picking the songs.

I'll be surprised if David Archuletta doesn't win this thing. He's damn good, and he's obviously insanely popular. Not sure if he's really the best, but he deserves to win as much as anyone. And he's so flippin' cute!

I really think David Cook is the best overall package. He's a wonderful singer, but along with that he's a great performer and he's really original and different. He better be in the top two. I loved him tonight - I have always loved the Michael Jackson version of that song (yes, he's a creep, but I do love some of his old music) and David rocked that.

Sayesha was really, really good. And I still don't love her. I am at least willing to admit she deserves to be in the competition, but i still don't want her to win.

Kristy Lee - holy crap, could she have picked a better song? Simon was right - very clever. It's practically sacrilegious NOT to vote for that song, if not the singer. She did a wonderful job, too, I thought -at least, as far as Kristy Lee performances go.

I was surprised the judges didn't like Carly's song. I really thought she did great. When they announced what song she was singing, my first thought was "That is THE perfect song for her." I don't love Carly, but I thought she did quite well. And seriously, her little kid pictures? Oh my goodness, she was flipping adorable. LOVED the hair.

Someone needs to put Ramiele out of her misery. She's just.... boring. :o\ Good enough a singer, I guess, but not spectacular, and really quite dull.

Jason Castro and Brooke have both disappointed me a bit. They've both been on my favorites list, but neither has greatly impressed me lately. I hope there's something useful in next week's song options for them. They both have a limited 'style' of music, I think, but when they hit those perfect songs, they are both awesome. I fear country week for Jason....

And Michael Johns. Yeah, he's was pretty damn good tonight too - loved how he mixed two songs, and he picked some great ones - you just can't go wrong with those songs that everyone knows, so long as you do them well. I always get surprised when he hits those really strong notes like he does - he doesn't appear to have that in him, so it's kind of pleasantly shocking.

Is there anyone I forgot? If so, I guess they were forgettable. :-X

I hope Ramiele goes home. I really do. Bottom three - Ramiele, Kristy, Sayesha. At least that's what I'm hoping for.


  1. We had DVRed AI, and when we went to watch it, it had blacked out for Carly and David A. At the end, I saw a bit of David A's performance, and I liked what I saw, so I voted, but I can't wait til they have them up on AI.com so I can watch the whole thing.

  2. I agree with all of the above! :-)

    Have a good Wednesday!
