Thursday, March 27, 2008

Some rambling

I haven't blogged much lately. Amazingly, I don't have much to say. That never happens!

Mark apparently forgot last night was his night with Chloe. He never called, never picked her up. I wonder if he'll pick her up today or not. He got a new job working at the shoe store in the mall and I'm not sure what his hours and days off will be yet. Yeah, the shoe store. Not to knock shoe salesmen at all - hey, everyone's gotta do something - but I can't imagine a mall job is really going to support a family very well. Ah well, it's not my concern anymore (thank goodness!)

His girlfriend keeps blogging about moving back to Singapore. I hope they really do, and I hope he doesn't have any intention of seeing Chloe more than once a year for two weeks in the summer, because that's about all I will agree to. That would be fine with me though!


I bought a baby monitor. I had one with Chloe, but never did use it. Now I'm trying to figure out how I survived so long without one. These things are so great! Before, I used to watch AI in the basement, and during and after every performance I would pause it, and listen intently for the sound of a baby awake. Now, I have my handy dandy little receiver and I can hear her right away. So flippin' cool. Yes, I know, everyone has one. I'm a little late in the game. But I'm excited nonetheless. An added bonus is that if it's after bed time, I can hear Dolly Parton and her Butterfly song in the background no matter where I'm at in the house. ;o)


I'm still trying to finish these Trekking socks. I think maybe I'll save them as a gift for someone, though I don't know anyone who would actually WANT this colorway. Socks are a two-week project for me now, which is awesome, because they used to take a month or longer.


Cora's ready for solids. I thought I'd delay solids till closer to a year, but she's pretty ready. She's had bananas a few times here and there, but nothing on a regular basis. I also give her a mesh feeder with apples or pears, and she likes to gnaw on carrot sticks. But I'm thinking it's time to try more stuff with her. I'm so not ready for solids yet. My baby is growing up so fast!


The in-laws have agreed to cat-sit for us. Bwahahaha they have no idea what a little shit head our cat is. :o) He's such a little terror... but so cute and friendly, you just have to forgive him. LOL Hopefully, he doesn't destroy their house while he's visiting.... or maybe I should hope he does, just for fun. :oX

Isabel will be going to the next door neighbors' house for the week we're in California. They are brave, brave people, but I'm sure she'll do fine. They have three large dogs themselves, so heck, what's one more? They have a doggie door - my dog has free access to their house when she's there. Are they crazy? haha Nah, they just love dogs. She'll be much happier there than in the kennel locked in a cage.


I desperately want my house clean before we leave, and it seems no matter how hard I try, it never looks better. Oh wait, that's what I say every time I blog about my house and cleaning it. Ah well, I'll just do my best. I love spring/summer/fall - I can just send Chloe outside and leave her out there all day, so my house isn't getting dirtier inside. The problem with the nice weather is that I want to be out there too, and sitting outside on a blanket makes it hard to get anything done inside. ;o)


Happy Thursday to all!

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