Wednesday, May 7, 2008

A green door

I painted my front door yesterday.

It used to be white. I wish I would've taken before and after shots so you could see how much better it really looks. White is so dull. I don't think anything should be white, if it could be painted a different color. I'm very pleased with the results of the door painting, though it's going to take a bit of getting used to - every time I walk around the corner, I think the front door is hanging wide open. I'm not used to seeing a dark color there. :o)

I had a hard time deciding between this dark green, or a bright red. Colors are symbolic for me, they carry a ton of meaning, and those two seemed to fit us the best. Andrew ended up choosing green. For me, green is the color for life, and especially growth. It's also the color of creativity. So green is fitting. :o)


Today is library day. We have some actual subjects we want to check books out on - there's no story time, so it'll be a quick trip. We might go to the park with her friends to let them ride their bikes and scooters. Andrew's getting my tire on my van fixed this afternoon. (It has a bolt in it, and it's causing it to leak slowly. Ugh! Not even 3,000 miles on the van, and I'm probably going to need a new tire. Annoying.) I want to go to Target this afternoon to get a few things, but that will probably have to wait till tomorrow.

Yesterday, in addition to painting the front door, I baked bread, swept and mopped my floors, folded a couple loads of laundry, and walked down to my dad's work to deliver carrot juice and a couple slices of fresh bread, then we stopped at the duck pond on the way back to feed the voracious ducks. It was a good day.

1 comment:

  1. Where do you get all that energy? Can you bottle it up and send it to me??? Love the green door. And I can almost smell the fresh bread! MMMmmmmmm.....

