Tuesday, May 6, 2008

I have no self control

I was at Wal Mart yesterday doing some grocery shopping. I needed a zipper, so we headed over to the craft department. Buying a zipper forced us to walk past the remnant baskets, and we saw this pretty bit of fabric with butterflies all over it. Using the fact that it was only $3.50, I reasoned with myself until I put it in the basket. :::sigh::: And here is what it became:

She doesn't look very happy, but that's because I interrupted her computer game in order to get the picture. She really does like it. It's the same pattern as that other hot pink butterfly dress that I made before, and she wears that thing every time she sees that it's clean in her closet. And this one didn't have all the pleats and pintucks and such, it was really simple, not quite an hour from start to finish. It'll end up being playclothes, but that's fine, as long as she enjoys wearing it. :o)

Another shot of the dress, in action:

Chloe's favorite garden activity is killing ants. We have tons of ants. She's got a spray bottle full of watered down Miracle II soap. It's entirely non-toxic, and kills ants as well as anything.

And here's silly baby after we took her hair out of the band in the tub. :o)

The cat is nearly always in on the action. He's only fallen in once, and since then has learned to keep his hind quarters firmly planted on the floor outside of the tub.


I bought this game, Jump Start World Kindergarten for Chloe. It was on clearance at Target so I thought we'd give it a shot. She LOVES it. It's really an impressive little game, teaching her all kinds of great skills. Some of the games are way too easy for her (matching shapes, reviewing the alphabet) but others give her a run for her money, just enough to keep her interested. As they progress, the game gets more difficult. There are 12 units in all, though the game only comes with the first two. After that you have to pay for each additional unit. I'm not sure if I'll do that yet or not, but if I stay as happy with the game as I have been, I just might. If you have a kid at the Kindy or First Grade level, I totally recommend this game. Chloe's really enjoying it. There's also a "parent control panel" area that lets you see exactly how they are doing in every area, though I do usually sit with her while she plays if I can.


I have a ton to do today. I want to get the floors mopped first thing. I had an issue with a spatula last night. You know, that catapult effect where if you hit one side, it flips over and sort of flies? Yeah, it was covered with enchilada sauce. :::sigh::: I wiped it all up real quick, but my kitchen floor is sort of a pale orange color now. Amazingly, it got in my hair, but missed my white shirt. I counted myself lucky.

After the floors, I need to get bread rising and start steaming some veggies for the baby's food. She's eating 2-3 cubes of food each meal now, and I'm almost out. I bought some paint for my front door, and would like to get that done too, and Tuesday is arts and crafts day at our house (what day ISN'T arts and craft day at our house?) and we're making percussion instruments to take with us when we go camping next week so we can sit around the camp fire and make rhythms.

Oy. I better get off this computer and get moving!

1 comment:

  1. Love the butterflies! Butterflies are special to my girls and I. They remind us of my mom... long story. Cute dress.... Chloe is very lucky to have you as her mommy... *muah*
