Friday, October 31, 2008

Busy, busy

Wow, what a busy week. Andrew's been off, and it always seems we're so busy when he is. :o)

Wednesday was the Halloween party. It turned out great, I think. The girls had a great time and the babies did too. We played a handful of little games, decorated cookies, and did a costume "contest" where everyone won an award.

Yesterday I did my best to win the "good wife" award. LOL My husband is leaving today to go hunting with my dad for a week. I spent the day cooking and baking. By the time I was finished I had two loaves of banana bread, a batch of brownies, four dozen chocolate-caramel chip cookies, a huge pot of Mexican chicken & black bean soup, a big pot of rice, and a pasta salad. That, with the other groceries Andrew picked up, should keep them from starving over the next week.

They're taking my parents' motorhome up to use as their base camp. I really want to go up next week for a couple of nights with the girls. It would be pretty cushy in the motorhome - they even have TV and such. I'm not sure what I'd do with Izzy, but I might try to work it out because I think it would be fun, and we need some outdoors adventures before winter sets in.

Today is, of course, Halloween. Since I spent WAY too much time on two little costumes, I intend to let the girls wear their costumes all day, and we'll just find places to go. I need to visit with my grandparents and aunt, the library has a puppet show and indoor trick or treating this morning, we might go by my dad's work, and I do have a couple of errands to run. We'll see how long I can convince Cora to wear her wig, but I really wanna show them off. The mall has a trick or treating thing, and they do a costume contest there. I'm not sure I wanna brave it though - nearly every child in our town goes, the contest lasts hours, and out of all the kids, there are only three prizes per rather large age group. It's practically impossible to win. Chloe won when she was Cora's age - she was a jack-in-the-box, and got a $100 gift certificate to the mall for it. That was pretty neat, I guess, but I'm still not sure it's worth the headache of trying to go with two little ones. I guess we'll see. Then tonight, we're meeting up with her friend Tori, and another of Tori's friends, and we'll all get together and go trick or treating in one of the upper class neighborhoods around here. Should be a great time... and I'm sure we'll all be exhausted!

Tomorrow, I will knit. :o) I need some knitting time. LOL Actually, I'm working on a great little sweater, and if it's finished by Sunday afternoon, I want to give it to my sister-in-law, who is getting ready to leave for Canada to get engaged. I thought it would make a nice gift. If I can get it done....

Hmm, other than that, i guess I don't have anything else to report. I need to upload our pumpkin patch pictures from last week, but I'm a slacker.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you all will be having a fun Halloween.... that's great! And wowzers on all that cooking! You are indeed, the dutiful wife! You put me to shame! I'd love the recipe for that mexican chicken thing you mentioned.

    I'm over at Dyan's house... she's at the store, and Christian is upstairs sleeping... in a bit, we'll carve the pumpkins.

    It's beautiful here... the trees are spectacular! Autumn is my favorite season of all!

