Saturday, November 1, 2008

Did you vote yet?...

...I did. We went through our mail-in ballots Thursday night and I dropped them off in person on Friday.

We read through our little State of Colorado book, discussed each amendment and formed opinions. I actually enjoyed it, probably because I don't usually get to actually think that much.

I'm just so irritated with this election. I hate that it always feel like I'm choosing the lesser of two evils, instead of really being excited about a particular candidate. I don't like one much, but I really don't like the other, so I made my decision that way. Andrew made a good point - if you vote for some other party, you're giving at least half a vote to the person you really DON'T want to win. Isn't that terrible? Instead of voting for a person I really want to lead our country for four years, I simply chose the only one that doesn't scare me.

On a side note - I found the book _George and Laura: Portrait of an American Marriage_ in my grandparents' yard sale stuff yesterday. I'm about a hundred pages in, and as much as I really don't like W., it's' proving to be an interesting read. It's funny though, at the end of each chapter there are quotes from different people that know the Bushes, from Laura, and from W. himself - and even in the quotes, he sounds like an uneducated twit. Can you believe he went to Andover? I'm shocked. I had no idea he'd ever received an education...

Now I'll sit back and wait to see what happens Tuesday night. If you haven't voted yet, go vote. Especially you girls - after reading all that pioneer-era women went through to earn us our right to vote, it seems like sacrilege not to.

I'm closing with a cute story of my very smart little five year old. Some people came to the door today from the Obama campaign, assumedly since I'm a registered democrat. Chloe was standing at my side when I answered the door. "We're from the Obama campaign. Have you voted yet, and can we count on your vote for Obama this year?"

"I've already voted." I told them. I was just about ready to shut the door when my darling daughter shouted after them, "My mommy voted for John McCain!"


  1. ROFLLLLLLLL Go CHLOE!!! That is too funny....

    I will be voting on Tuesday, and like you, I'll be using my BRAIN and voting for MCCAIN. My vote simply stems from moral issues. And Obama scares the hell out of me...

    Good for you, Julie! I'm proud of ya! And Chloe... what a doll! Would have loved to have seen those people's faces... what a scream!

  2. Too funny! Chloe is a sharp cookie!

    When Tony, my youngest was in kindergarten, he asked for a Bill Clinton haircut. He also very patiently explained the electoral college to his teacher. She was amazed...and so was he. He wondered why her mother never told her.

    I'm the lone democrat in our house. My two younger sons seem to have inherited their father's gene for stupid.

    I'm so glad that the election is over. I got tired of waking and finding "Another Democrat for John McCain" and "I'm a gun owning Republican" signs in my front yard. I don't know where they are getting these things. I think they have a stash in their cars.
