Saturday, November 26, 2011

Knitting Bits: A Rooster That Won't Attack

The girls still talk about Mr. Tweets almost every day. They really miss him, and will tell anyone who will listen all the happy stories about him. They end with, "Yeah, and then Daddy killed him, 'cuz he got mean." That's usually enough to render a look of mild shock on the face of whomever they are speaking with.

Anyway, I've always wished I could bring him back as he was before he got mean, and as I was surfing Ravelry one day, I found the perfect solution: The Knitted Chicken.

He won't attack. In fact, he'll even cuddle if you want.

I made the tail feathers a bit larger than the pattern called for, and crocheted an edge to make them seem more "rooster-ish."

And I crocheted some poofy feathers on top, since our mean ol' rooster was a Polish show breed.

I'm not sure which girl will get him, but he'll be a Christmas gift they'll likely both get a giggle out of.

Pattern: Spring Chicken by Jacqui Turner
Yarn: Scraps of black and white held together
Needles: size 10, and H crochet hook when needed

1 comment:

  1. LOL-- c'mon out here, an' we'll send you home with as many non-attacking roosters as you can haul... limited-time offer, though: we've got several that need homes before they start crowing.
